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III.65    The murder of Pope John Paul I. NOTE:
Trouve (trouver): to discover, find; eleu: elected; senat: senate; guerre: war; il: he, it, there; prouve (prouver): to prove; empoisonne (empoissoner): to poison; sacre: sacred; scyphe (syphon): syphon, drain trap. COMMENT: After the tomb of Saint Peter was discovered, Pope Paul I was elected and murdered with poison. Another quatrain in the next chapter also indicates that both John Paul's will eventually be martyred.

II.30   The New Mass of many languages, the antichrist.

Dieu: God; Annibal: ancient King Annibal who once terrorized Rome, the new "resurrected" Annibal kings of Eastern alliance also terrorize the modern Rome or the Church; infernaux: infernal, devilish; renaitre: to be born; revive; effrayeur: to terrify; oncq: ever, never; dire: to say, speak; journal: journal, paper; advint (advenir): to happen; viendra: shall come; Babel: here means the Mass of many languages; Romain: here means clergy or Catholics. COMMENT: The Eastern or Muslim alliance shall be the modern Annibal who shall invade and destroy Rome and persecute Christians in Europe. The brutal invaders shall come as the direct consequence of the irreverence to the Holy Mass or Holy Eucharist and due to the abandonment of the Church's Teaching and Tradition. This quatrain amazingly describes accurately the wrongful implementation of Vatican II begining with the introduction of the New Mass and modern liturgical reforms which border with heretics.

II.13   The walking dead, death shall replace birth.

Corps: body, dead corp; ame: soul; felice (felicite): happiness, joy; voyant (voir): shall see; verbe (Verbe): the Word of God. COMMENT: The evil generation shall no longer receive the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Many shall still attend Mass but with much disrespect, indifference, or blasphemy. Death shall replace birth when the culture of death (abortion and violence) become acceptable. For the true believers, God is still with him.

IV.25   Men become walking dead with less desire for prayer.

Corps: body, substance; sans: without; fin : the end; l'oeil: eye; obnubiler: to obscure; ses: (plural) his, her; raison: reason; front: forehead, head; compris (comprendre): enclosed; dimineant: shall diminish; sacree: sacred; oraison: prayer. COMMENT: Prayers shall be diminished while men become walking dead.

II.12   Blindness of legal system, Apostasy from the clergy.

Yeux: (plural of oeil) eyes; clos: closed; ouvert: opened; fantasie (fantiasie): fancy, imagination; habit: religious habit; seule: single, here celibate; neant: nothing; chastira (chatier): to chastise, punish; frenaisie (frenesie): madness, frenzy; ravir: to carry off, rob of; thresor (tresor): treasure; devant: before, ahead. COMMENT: Eyes closed figuratively indicate a just justice. Eyes now opened means a distorted legal system. There shall be no longer a legal justice due to greed, bias, artificial technicality, and human blindness. The religious shall be chastised for their abandonment of the Church's Teaching and Tradition, and for misleading their fold. Sadly today the religious refuse to wear their habits which signify the highest distinction and also the vow and commitment to their Creator.

II.8 The Church becomes humanistic or neo-paganistic while abandoning the Sacred        Doctrines & Traditions.

Sacrez: sacred, consecrated; prime: primitive, early; facon: fashion; reitteront (rietirer): to reiterate, repeat; goffe (gofle): consumed (with pride); fondemens (fondement): foundation ; prenant: fascinating; loix: laws; premiere: first; chassant: shall chase, follow; tout: all cultemens (culte): religious practice. COMMENT: The Church shall become neo-paganistic due to the abandonment of the Holy Teaching and Tradition. Religious practices shall be based on modernistic humanism and animal instincts. The Teaching of the Church by her Magisterium shall be accepted only in parts, not as the whole. Catholics are now labeled "cafeteria" Catholics.

VI.10   Ecumanism in the West, Pagamism in the East, Natural disasters abounded.

Peu: a little while; temps: time; blanc: white; noir: black; entremeler: to mix, mingle;; rouge: red, here communist; jaune: yellow, here Chinese; , les leurs: their own; embleront: shall embrace; peste: plague; faim: famine; feu: fire; eau: water; affolce: terrified, panic-stricken. COMMENT: The false ecumanical movement of the presence shall mingle many religious sects without possessing the Truth or True Faith. It is the disguise to secularize the Church.

VII.7   Apocalyptical horsemen advance while heretical shepherds lead their sheep to the

Chevau (chevaux): horse, horse-rider; leger: light, swift; crier: to cry; croissant: Muslims; confond (confondre): to confound, to bring to confusion; nuit: night; tuer: to kill, slaughter; mouton: sheep; berger: shepherd; abismes: abyss; rouge: red; fosse: pit; profond: deep . COMMENT: (Too sad for me to make any comment.)

III.92  The Apocalypse or the end times.

Monde: world; proche: near; dernier: last, latest; dernier periode: the end times; Saturn: (fig.) the Lord; encor: again; tard: late; retour: coming back, return; translat: to turn into; empier: empire; devers: on the side of, toward; Brodde: rodden; oeil: eye; arrache (arracher): to pull out; Narbon: Narbonne, city of S. France, near the Mediterranean Sea; autour: hawk. COMMENT: The end times are not the End of the world, therefore, the Second Coming of the Lord shall not yet take place. During this last period of human history, the Church or the Christian Roman Empire shall be deteriorating. Narbonne or coastal France shall be attacked by hostile forces.


I.44    Christians shall be subjected to martyrdom during World War III. NOTE:
Bref: brief; retour: return; contrevenant: offender; martyre: martyrdom; plus ne: no more; moine: monk; abbez: abbot; miel: honey; cher: dear, cherished; cire: wax. COMMENT: Religious persecution during wars and great loss of faith.Offenders are the unfaithful Christians who are offending God.

VIII.93 Schism shall take place at the beginning of the War.

Mois: month; obtiendra (obtenir): to obtain; sans plus: no more than; prelature: prelate, bishop; decez (deces): deceased; scisme: schism; autre: another; preture (prelature): prelate; renaistre: to be reborn. COMMENT: At the beginning of the European conflict, one pope who is probably the successor of John Paul II, shall reign only for seven months. He might be martyred by the the occupying forces. Great Schism shall take place after his death as his successor shall be a liberal one. At the end of the War, another pope shall reign also for seven months and he shall be martyred by the withdrawing Muslim force. Afterwards, peace shall come.

VI.25   Italians shall betray papacy. A young African cardinal shall be elected pope.

Constraire: contrary, opposite; pescheur (pecheur): fisherman; ruineux: disastrous, in ruin; jeune: young; prendra: take, manage; proditeur: (latin = proditor) traitor; bruineux (brumeux): misty. COMMENT: The great Monarchie of the great Fisherman (St. Peter) is the Church. The young, black, red is a young cardinal from Africa who shall be elected as the pope during the difficult time of the Church. Italian traitors shall betray the papacy and Rome.

VI.26  The Church's Doctrine and Tradition shall be abandoned by a sensual pope.

Quartre: four; siege: seat, papacy; quelque peu: somewhat; tiendra (tenir): to hold, tenure; surviendra (survivre): to survive; live on; libidineux: (latin = libidinosus) licentious, sensuous; soustiendront (soutenir): to support; elever: to elevate; croix: cross; pape: pope; envie: envy; faire envie: to be tempting. COMMENT: This (anti-)pope is the one mentioned in the preceding quatrain VI.25. The Church's holy Doctrine shall be abandoned and modified to fit his sensual lifestyle. Among them shall be the vow of priestly celibacy.

V.38   The vow of priestly celibacy shall be abolished.

Ce: this ,that; succedera (succeder): to succeed; mort: dead; donner: to enjoy greatly; illicite: illicit, unlawful; lubrique: lewd, lecherous; nonchalance: carelessness; a tous: completely; concedera: to concede; parfin: the end; faudra (falloir): shall need; loi: law; Salique: certain tribes of ancient Frank, based on Salian code of laws, allowed only male heirs to have succession to certain lands and excluded females chiefly because certain military duties which were connected with the holdings of those lands.Here this means the vow of celibacy and male priesthood. COMMENT: An anti-pope shall reign and conduct a sinful life-style. He shall yield to the pressure from the heretics and the enemies of the Church , eventually shall abolish the vow of priestly celibacy and male priesthood.

IV. 40  The great Schism and religious persecution.

Forteress: fortress, stronghold; assieger: besiege; serrez: enclosed, constricted; poudre: gun powder; profond: deep, dark; abysme: abyss; proditeur: (latin = proditor) traitor; onc: ever, never; sacriste: mild expletive expressing of indignation, here means religious dissents; advint (advenir): to happen; scisme: schism. COMMENT: The Eastern invaders shall gain upperhand initially. The dissent clergy shall be persecuted after they cause a great Schism in the Church.

V.46  The Schism and Albania attacks Rome.

Chapeaux: hats; rouge: red; querell: quarrel; nouveaux: new; scisme: schism; on: one; Sabinois: Sabine, one of ancient people who lived in central Italy; produira: produce; contre: contrary; lui: him, to him; sophisme: fallacious argument; lesee (leser): to injure, to wrong; Albanois: Albanie. COMMENT: The Schism shall take place when an Italian pope shall be selected to succeed Pope John Paul II. Then Rome shall be invaded by Albanians.

IV.29 The martyrdom of Christians and the true Church goes underground.

Oui (ouir); heard; sous: under; terre: ground; saint: holy; ame: soul; voix: voice, sound; fainte: faint; luire: to shine, glisten; voir: to see, behold; seul: by themselves, of their own; taint: stained; leur: their; destruire: to destroy. COMMENT: Christians shall be martyred as the enemies of the Church invade Europe and Rome. The true Church shall go underground as the heretics shall be installed in Rome by the Eastern forces.

I.52    Like the Crucified Lord, the Church shall have her own passion and crucifixion.

Malin: evil; scorpion: army of God's Justice (see Joel and Apocalypse); conjoint: united, joined; Grand Seigneur or Notre Seigneur: Our Lord Jesus; meurtry (tout meurtri): covered with bruises; dedans: inside; salle: hall, Roman praetorium; peste: plague; l'Eglise: the Church; joint: joined, connected; basse: lowered, debassed, humbled; septentrioanle: anagram of "serpent-et-lion", the lion beast begot by the ancient serpent mentioned in Daniel 7:4 which entices sins of flesh through feminism, sex, pornography, etc. IV.49  "My God, my God, why hast thou abandon me?" NOTE:
Devant: before, ahead; respandu: poured out, spilled; haut: high, haughty; eslongner: to come alongside; mais: but; entendu: be understood, be heard; seul: alone, on one'sown, tesmoingner: to bear witness, to prove. V.73   The Church shall be chastised by God including Poland. NOTE:
Dieu: God; l'Eglise: the Church; saint temple: holy temple; expoliez: exposed, abandoned; enfant: infant; mere: mother; chemise: blouse, Polons: Pologne or Poland; ralliez (raler): to rage. COMMENT: For her defiance against God, the Church shall be chastised. The once devout Catholic countries such as Poland, France, and Italy shall be inflicted the most through barbarian hands.

VIII.98  The Church's Martyrdom or passion.

Gens: race, people; Eglise: the Church; espanche (epancher): to shed, overflow; comme: like; eau: water; temps: time; restranche (retrncher): to curtail, cut off, suppress; veue (voir): seen; clerc: cleric; doleance: grievance, complaint. COMMENT: Christians including clergy shall be persecuted greatly during the World War which shall last about 27 - 30 years. Like Christ the Head of the Church, His Mystical Body or the Church shall have to go through her own passion.

V.15  Upon sailing, the great Pontiff shall be captured.

Navigant: sailing; pris: caught, taken; apprestez (aprete): bitterness; saillir: to bring out, stand out; eleu: elected; debile: weak, feeble, (n.) mental defective; favori: favorite; tue (tuer): to kill, slaughter. COMMENT: The great pontiff here might be the one who reign at the end of the World War before the period of peace. He shall be remembered as the peace-maker.

V.44   The pope, the peace-maker, shall be kidnapped.

Paix: peace; moyen: means, way, middle, intermediator; ire: wrath, anger; aure (aureole): halo; commettre: to commend to; armee: army. COMMENT: This is the great pope who was mentioned in the preceding quatrain.


V.96   The Apparitions of Blessed Virgin Mary prophesied. NOTE:
Sur le milieu: in the middle...; monde: the world; rose: here Mystical Rose, one of many titles of the Mother of God; nouveaux: renewed, new; fait: act, action, deed, here faith; sang: blood; espandu (espacer): to spread; a dire vrai: to tell the truth; on: one, people; bouche: mouth; close: closed, shut; besoin: a need, hunger, thrist; tard: late; viendra: shall come; attendu: expected, awaited for. COMMENT: Before He imposes His Judgment upon us, God sent His Mother, the Blessed Virgin, to guide us back to Him. We now live in the Marian era which shall be followed by the terrible period of Chastisements which is necessary for the purification of the Church.

II.27   Garabandal: God's Mercy or the Divine Illumination upon man's soul.

Divine Verbe: the Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ; frapper: to strike; proceder: to proceed; plus: more; avant: further, ahead; reserant (reserver): to reserve; marche: to walk; par dessus et devant: back and forth. COMMENT: There shall be a worlwide, universal Warning from God to all His sinful creatures. Every activity shall stop mometarily so one can examine his conscience and his past in the Presence of God. All the secrets buried deeply in one's heart shall be revealed. This event is like a minor judgment. Afterwards the whole world shall become bewildered and panicked.

II.92   Garabandal: The Miracle and the Final Sign.

Veu: viewed; frapper: to impress, surprise; naitre: to be born; haut: haughty; cas: case,event; meutre: massacre, murder; veveu (veuve): (plur. of veuf) widow; expectacle (spectacle): show, exhibition, here witness; orgueilleux: proud, haughty. COMMENT: Before the persecution and martyrdom of many believers and much blood shed, God shall give mankind an unusual sign in the form of heavenly fire stretching from the sky to the earth, a miraculous event which cannot be explained by haughty scientists.

III.2  Praises to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Verbe: le Verbe means the Word of God; pourra (pourrir): to rot, debase, become inferior; or: gold; occult: hidden, secret; fait: action, deed, feat; corp: body; ame: soul, ayant (avoir): to have, possess; puissance: power; tant: so, so many; soubs (soubassement): pedestal, lower portion; ses: his; pied: foot, leg; comme: as siege: seat, chair; Celique (Cielique): Heavenly. COMMENT: Nostradamus sang praise to the Lord.

IX. 12  The Potter and His Clay.

Tant: so much; tant d'argent: so much silver, here means thunder or lightning; Diane: (fig.) Blessed Virgin Mary; Mercure: (fig.) God's Chastisements; simulacre: image, phantom; lac: lake (of fire); trouver: to find, discover; figulier: potter; cherchant (chercher): to seek; argile: clay; neuve: new; lui: him; sien: his; or: gold; abbreuvez (abreuver): to water, to fill up. COMMENT: Blessed Mary was sent from heaven to warn mankind about the coming perils. Many shall die and their souls shall be in eternal hell-fire. The Lord (Potter) purifies and renew the earth with a new race (Clay).

VI.78  " At the end, my Immaculate Heart shall triumph..."

Crier: cry; Selin: (Greek) moon, (fig.) Blessed Virgin; Romains: (fig.) faithful Christians, her faithful children; Aigle: eagle, (fig.) the Gospel of St. John ; clame (clamer): to proclaim; puis: then, afterwards; eux: them; memes: same; basil: (Greek) king; reclame: to claim, to demand.

The triumphant cry shall belong to the Blessed Virgin
Through the help of her faithful children, St. John's Gospel shall be proclaimed
Ticcin, Milan, and Genoa still disconsent
Afterwards through them (Italians), the King of kings shall reclaim

COMMENT: This quatrain reflects the prophecies in Chapter 12 of Apocalypse.

VIII.95  The golden period of peace.

Seducteur: the Seducer, Satan; mis: placed; fosse: pit; estache (attache): tied up; jusque: till , up to; quelque: some; clerc: clergy; uni: united; pycante: to pick; droite: straight, upright; attraira (attrait): attract; contens: dissent, heretic. COMMENT: God shall bind Satan in the dungeon for a while during the period of peace and the antichrist shall come. Temporal rulers shall become Christians who are supportive and obedient to the Holy See.