Blessed Mother appears now as the Lady of All Nations or the Mother of all Nations as God had ordained her as the Intercessor for all mankind and the spiritual Mother of all human beings. The Lady of All Nations or the Mother of All Nations is the title she wishes us to honor her with. Blessed Mother is no longer Mary, the humble Jewish woman who was married to the carpenter named Joseph. That woman lived and died two thousand years ago. God had bestowed upon her from all eternity the highest honor of all human beings ever created, had destined her to be our Mother who, through the Crucifixion of her Son and of her own, had given all of us our rebirth into the eternal heavenly bliss.
She now comes to us the sinful and troubled generation to save our souls, to lead us back to God, her Son. However, she cannot carry out the salvation of this present world alone. She needs our help and cooperation, just as her Divine Son had needed His Mother's cooperation in the Divine Plan of Salvation. She is imploring us to love one another, to return to the Cross, to pray and sacrifice, and to receive the Heavenly Nourishment, the "Remembrance of her Son" or the precious Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ as often as we can.
She warns us that we are now engage in a spiritual warfare with the evil one in which he does not attack human life, races, or nations, but pursues at human minds with fanciful but corrupted ideas and thoughts, the thoughts which shall alter human conscience and stain man's soul forever.
To counter this devilish and devastating scheme, our Heavenly Mother encourages us to pray to God the Holy Spirit to come down and dwell in us, to enlighten us in order to discern the Truth and to renew the face of the earth and the heart and soul of man.
Blessed Mother teaches us a short but very powerful prayer to
invoke the Grace from the Holy Spirit by praying this prayer as often as
one can during the course of his day:
H ere our Lady teaches us about her picture, the picture of the Lady of All Nations. She stands on the globe, in front of the Cross. Standing on the globe symbolizes her role for all mankind, in front of the Cross indicates her participation fully in the Crucifixion with her Divine Son for the redemption of all men. Her hands, face, hair, and veil are fully human and materialistic as her Divine-Human Son. The rest of her body, however, was seen as through a transparent and glowing haze as it has become a glorious body and belongs to the spiritual realm. The trunk of her body has belongs to the Holy Spirit at the moment of Annunciation at which her Divine Son was conceived through the Union between her and God the Holy Spirit. Through it God the Son came to the world. Now from the same Ark of Covenant, the Holy Spirit will descends upon the troubled world for its complete renewal.
She stands on the globe as her messages and intercession is for
the whole world. The spirit of lie or untruth is spreading rapidly. The
whole world is degenerating, therefore, the Son now sends His Mother, the
Lady of All Nations, to the world to save it from a complete loss.
Our Lady commanded that the prayer must be made known without any alteration. The Mother who once suffered with her Crucified Son is now still bearing the same heavy Cross for the sinful mankind. The agony and anguish are still heavy. She now wishes to return to the world in the same manner as she left it two thousand years ago - to endure the Cross and offer herself as the living sacrifice for men's salvation.
However, she cannot carry out the task of salvation alone and she need the help of all her children who love the Lord and devote to her. She desires that this devotion being propagated " swiftly and fearlessly ". Rome is in grave danger and being undermined. Make this devotion known through out the world, otherwise, the whole world shall be degenerated completely and there will be no end to the World War.
" I stand as the Lady before the Cross, as the Mother before My Son ... This is why I stand before My Son , as the Advocate as the bearer of this message to this modern world."
Before the Cross at Calvary, she became "the Lady" or the representative of mankind, "the most blessed one". She became "the Mother" of all reborn human beings who were redeemed by the Blood of Christ. Thus we can say that through her womb, we are born again into the children of God. And now before her Crucified Son whose Crucifixion is presently renewed due to the Sin of Flesh, the Mother once again becomes the Advocate , the intercessor for this world in the Presence of God.
The theological basis for the Last Marian Dogma is the Cross. Whose Cross, the Lord's Cross or her Cross? There is only one Cross shared by two Persons: Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother as Both become One. Our Lady has suffered spiritually and physically with her Divine Son. She had offered herself as an oblation before the Cross then and now.
This Last Marian Dogma, which reveals her full and active cooperation in human redemption by sharing the Cross or Crucifixion, shall be a much contested one. She had urged us all to understand it with a simple Faith and humility. The Lord always uses the humble and the simple to carry out His Work.
" My child, just as He suffered, so did I suffer as the Mother of the Son of Man." Oh, how great the Honor of the Mother of God and also how great her Affliction is!
Through out the history of the Church, there were a few who bore the stigma or the Wounds of Christ on their bodies, the great blessings for their deep love of Christ. These wounds were recorded to be either visible or invisible. How much greater the Wounds on the Divine Body the Mother bears on her own to equate with the infinite love that she has for Him!
Just as the Son had asked His followers to pray for the conversion of sinners or to participate in the co-redemption of sinners, the Mother now ask us to do the same, to pray the prayer she taught us every day and frequently to implore the Descendance of the Holy Spirit upon mankind. The Lord the Holy Spirit is now implored to come into the hearts of all nations and of the ones who pray the Prayer.
Spiritually and physically her children shall suffer much but time is running short and the world is degenerated rapidly, therefore, our Mother has asked us to persevere and propagate this devotion of the Lady of all Nations.
Our Blessed
Mother desires that Her Picture always precedes the Dogma. Looking at the
Picture, we see her wearing a girdle around her waist. This girdle, she
said, was the same loin-cloth of Her Son, the one He used to wipe His sweaty
Forehead, washed His Disciples's feet, the girdle of servitude. Our Lady
was created to serve God and mankind. She has carried the physical and
spiritual pains of the Cross before at Calvary and now as the Lady of All
" The Son came into the world as the Redeemer of mankind. The work of redemption was the Cross. He was sent by the Father. Now, however, the Father and the Son wants to send ' the Lady' throughout the whole world."
The Loss of Faith has become so widespread. Men have become superficial, degenerated, materialistic, paganistic, atheistic, and animal-like as men only live for physical needs alone. The Holy Spirit has to come at this time to change the hearts of all nations and of all men. He has to come to save the world from a total degeneration, disaster, and war. And much like the Annunciation and the First Pentecost, the Holy Spirit once again will come through His Spouse, the Lady of All Nations who is now sent by God as the Vessel of the Sanctifying Grace for mankind. She endures now the Cross for this work of redemption. Through her Cross, she will save the Church from further decay, the world from further degeneration, for the hearts of men renewed. With Her Son, she has accomplished the work of Redemption by offering herself once again as the instrument and sacrifice to God. She is the worthy remission for our sins. She is indeed the Co-Redemptrix and Advocate of mankind.
My brothers and sisters, I am copying our Mother's own words in describing her Mission as I was inspired to do so.
" ... The new dogma will be the ' dogma of the Co-Redemptrix.' Notice, I lay special emphasis on 'Co.' ... Once again I tell you that the Church, 'Rome,' will carry it through and silence all objections. ... The Church of Rome will become stronger and mightier in proportion to the resistance she puts up in the struggle."
" .. For the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit wills to send the Lady, chosen to bear the Redeemer, into this world, as Co-Redemptrix and Advocate. I have said, "This time is Our time," By this I mean the following: The world is caught up in degeneration and superficiality. It is at a loss. Therefore, the Father sends Me to be the Advocate, to implore the Holy Spirit to come. For the world is not saved by force, the world will be saved by the Spirit. It is only ideas that rule the world. Know your responsibility then, Church of Rome. Get your ideas across; bring Christ back into the world once more."
" Child, pass on correctly that those who fight and labor for the cause, ... should do so with great ardour and zeal." ... " I will help them. I have taught you that simple prayer to the Father and the Son. See that it is made known throughout the world, among all Nations. They all have a right to it. I assure you that the world will change.
" ... In the sufferings, both spiritual and bodily, the Lady,
the Mother has shared. She has always gone before. As soon as the Father
had selected Her, She was the Co-Redemptrix with the Redeemer, who came
into the world as the Man-God... I know well, the struggle will be hard
and bitter, but the outcome is already assured."
The Lady is Co-Redemptrix because the Redeemer received His Flesh and Body from her flesh and body. " This time is Our Time," the Lady said, meaning the time of Redeemer and Co-Redemptrix. The Father and the Son are now sending the Lady to All Nations.
From her hands, three Rays were issued: Grace, Redemption, and Peace. Together with God, or from God through Her, Grace, Redemption, and Peace are being bestowed upon men.
Surrounded the globe on which our Lady planted Her Feet (in the picture) were sheep which represent all peoples on earth, the sheep of Jesus Christ.
Our Mother earnestly asked every one to pray the Prayer every day for the True and Holy Spirit to come to renew the confused humanity. And LOVE your God and your neighbors.
Our Mother asked all of us to say this short and simple Prayer every day and often during the day.
She promised to listen to the requests of those who call upon her under the title of "the Lady of All Nations."
The Lord wants to give this world " the Spiritual Oneness " through the devotion of the Lady of All Nations. Whoever honors His Mother, honors Him. Whoever dishonors His Mother, dishonors Him.
The religious orders shall be instrumental in promoting this devotion. The Holy Father shall proclaim this Last Marian Dogma and the Devotion before he is " taken up to dwell " with our Lord and our Lady. The vision of the golden crown and Cross presented to him by our Lady symbolize his sacrifice and future martyrdom.
Blessed Mother became the Co-Redemptrix at the Annunciation as without her free-willed submission to the Divine Design, the Redemption of men by the Blood of the God-Man, our Lord Jesus Christ, would not be realized according to the Will of the Father. The Lord Jesus had received His Flesh and Body from His Mother's flesh and body. They had become One. " The Mother became Co-Redemptrix by the Will of the Father."
" Wars will continue until the Spirit of Truth comes with His Help." The only way World War III will be stopped is that the Holy Father in unison with all leaders of all nations and believers will honor Blessed Mother as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate by reciting in unison the short Prayer she had taught us in order to invoke the Coming of the Holy Spirit to renew men's hearts and minds through the Mother's Cross and Intercession.
Christians are now influenced by the paganistic world instead of the other way around.
The world is degenerated due to the lack of love. The only way back is through Christ on the Cross: love the Lord, believe in His Teaching, and endure the Cross of daily Gospel Living. This is the only way the world can be saved.
Our Lady told us always to come before the picture of the Lady of all Nations to pray for the bodily and spiritual needs of all peoples and she would be our Advocate.
Blessed Mother does not teach us a new doctrine as this doctrine is always there. From all eternity, the Lord had conceived His Handmaid and finally chosen Her from all women to be the Mother of His Son, therefore, to be Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate for all peoples.
" Now the Father and the Son want to be asked to send the Holy Spirit." Who only comes in the most powerful way through His Spouse, the Lady of All Nations. " The Lady stands here as the Advocate. It is the Creator we are concerned with and not the Lady." Our Lady is not enthroned as a divine deity, on the contrary, she is honored and asked to be a Divine Instrument. Her role is only receptive and God's Active. We can compare Her ( the Lady ) as the mold in the Hands of the Divine Potter ( the Holy Spirit ) Who wants to reshape the clay objects ( men ). She is the modern Ark of Covenant which leads the army of all believers of Christ to topple the walls of the modern Jericho of hatred, selfishness, envy, apostasy, and apathy.
" Russia and China will turn to the Church " but only after much conflict or after the World War III.
" Let this prayer accompany whatever you do in your daily life. This prayer should be spread in churches and through modern means of communication ... Come and pray before this picture."
Blessed Mother now implores all of us to spread the Devotion of Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate. She asked us to pray often the simple prayer that she had taught us. By the means of the prayer, she will bestow Grace, Redemption, and Peace to the one who prays. Through Her Devotion, together we will bring all nations into the Church, all sheep into one fold. She encouraged us to receive the Lord Jesus more frequently in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. She asked us to deal with our enemies, to contact our neighbors with the crucifix in our hands as a constant reminder of the Lord's Sacrifice and Love for us.
" Woman, behold thy son."
At the Moment of His Death, our Lord Jesus entrusted all mankind ever created into the Hands of our Lady. Mary became the Lady, the Mother of All Mankind. The Role of our Lady as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate, which was designed from all eternity, was not only assigned at that Solemn Moment, but also officially proclaimed by our Lord Himself. The most sublime Solemnity of this Marian Dogma can be illustrated on the fact that the Lord Himself proclaimed It at the Last Moment of His Life.
Our Lady now asks us to encourage our Holy Father to prepare and to proclaim this Last Marian Dogma officially throughout the Church and the whole world. The Church and Faith shall be greatly strengthened by this Devotion. " The Lady of All Nations " shall watch over the Church.
" ... Join your hands in prayer. ... Pray every day that the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, may send the Holy Spirit over the earth, and ' the Lady of Nations,' who once was ' Mary,' will be your Advocate. So be it!"
Let our whole concern be the spreading of our Lady's Devotion.
had its beginning at the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Only when our
Lord went away, our Mother had become the Mediatrix and Advocate. Anticipating
much objection or dissension over the proclamation of this dogma, our Lady
implored the regular and secular clergy to work together in promoting this
work. If the apostles of Jesus Christ cannot agree, how can all nations
be one? And if they are not one, how can the lasting peace come and
how can World War be stopped?