Blessed Virgin Mary appeared and and gave through inner locutions
many messages to Ida Peerleman who lived in Amsterdam, Netherlands since
1945 to 1959. She granted Ida total of 55 visions. She predicted the Council
of Vatican II ten years before it was convened in October 1962, prophesied
the death of Pope Pius XII, warned the Church about the resurgence of a
modernist heresy concerning the Holy Eucharist, warned that the Great Apostasy
would come from within the Church.
Blessed Mother came to us through Ida with the title of " The Lady
of All Nations " . The Church shall honor her by proclaiming the final
Marian dogma . Blessed Virgin shall be honored and recognized as the Mother
of All Nations, the " Co-Redemptrix " in the human salvation, the "Mediatrix
" between God and men, and " the Advocate" or the Defender of her children
or the Church. This glorious event had been prophesied and predestined
by God so long ago. Let us read the Prophecy of the Prophet Daniel.
" Seventy weeks are shortened upon thy people, and upon thy holy
city, that transgression may be finished, and sin may have an end, and
iniquity may be abolished; and everlasting justice may be brought; and
vision and prophecy may be fulfilled; and the saint of saints may be anointed."
Daniel 9:24
The fate of the human race and the city of God or the Church shall
be summed up in "seventy weeks" or 70 x 7 = 490 years (Based on Verse 27,
one week equals seven years). After this last period, transgression of
men shall be stopped, sins and social vices shall end, and everlasting
justice and peace shall reign on earth; and all vision and ancient prophecies
shall be fulfilled; and the most blessed of all the faithful or "the
saint of all saints" shall be honored. Where does this significant
period of human history lie, the period which shall conclude with justice,
peace, tranquility, and no more wars and evils? Who is that most blessed
human being among the faithful if it is not the Mother of God herself.
At the end of this period, her name shall be glorified throughout the Church
among all who love the Lord. The veneration reserved for the Virgin Mother
Mary, the Mother of God and the mother of all mankind shall be abounded
among her children. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception and Heavenly
Assumption had been proclaimed in this century. The last dogma about her
which shall illuminate he role in our salvation shall be proclaimed by
the Church at the end of this last period.
" Know thou therefore, and take notice: That from the going forth
of the word, to build up Jerusalem again, unto Christ the prince, there
shall be seven weeks, and sixty two weeks: and the street shall be built
again, and the walls straitness of times." Daniel 9: 25
The period of 490 years is divided into two distinct periods of 62
weeks or 62 x 7 = 434 years and 7 weeks or 7 x 7 = 49 years. In both of
these periods, the Gospel or the Word of God shall be evangelized ("the
going forth of the word"), the Church shall be rebuilt ("to build up Jerusalem
again"), and then the Coming of the Lord shall happen ("unto Christ the
prince"). That exact sequence shall occur twice in both periods, the first
one will be much longer than the latter as it is getting closer to the
End, both Divine Mercy and Chastisement shall occur in much quicker paces.
Besides the spiritual inheritance, the physical dwellings representing
here as "street" and "walls" are also being rebuilt due to the destruction
of calamities and wars given to us on the Day of Wrath or after the Coming
of the Just Lord. The terms "straitness of times" indicated that the calamities
inflicted upon mankind shall happen more than once as men shall continue
to live in sins. As Babylon mystifies the evil world full of corruption's
of the flesh, Jerusalem is the mystical metaphor which stands for the Church
or the holy City of God which is consisted of all His chosen children.
The term "Christ the prince" recognizes the Lord Jesus as the High Priest
of God. This 434 years started right after the conclusion of the glorious
Council of Trent (1564) and shall end at the end of this twentieth century.
The Council of Trent was convened for this very purpose, to rebuild the
Church which was devastated from within by its own corruption of human
elements, priestly abuses, and from without by the errors of the Reformation.
During this period, we indeed have witnessed Christianity being propagated
to the ends of the world, we had seen the rebuilding of countries after
the wars, but we have not yet seen the Coming of the Lord. The Lord shall
not come until the End of the world and definitely shall not come back
twice, once for each rebuilding periods. The Coming of the Lord most often
means the Day of the Lord, or the Wrathful Day of the Lord, the day on
which God imposes His Just Judgments upon His people. This Coming of the
Lord had been mentioned numerous times in all prophetic books of the Old
Thus after 434 years of rebuilding, the Church is again devastated
with apostasy, blasphemy, and corruption of flesh. A period of Great Chastisements
shall come upon us in the forms of wars and natural disasters of unprecedented
scales. Then another period of peace for rebuilding shall be granted but
this time will be much shorter as it only lasts for "seven weeks" and "one
week" or the total of 56 years. And finally, the antichrist shall come
after this last period of "seven weeks plus one week" of rebuilding.
On February 11, 1951, during her twenty-seventh vision, Blessed Mother
taught Ida Peerleman a short prayer:
On November 15, 1951, she pronounced:
" The Lady of All Nations is here, standing before the Cross of
her Son; her feet are placed in the very mist of the world, and the flock
of Jesus Christ surrounds her. It is as Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix that
I come at these times. I was Co-Redemptrix from the moment of the Annunciation.
This is the meaning: the mother has been constituted Co-Redemptrix by the
will of the Father. Tell this to your theologians. Tell them likewise that
this dogma will be the last in Marian history."
On May 31, 1954, the Marian Year:
" When the dogma - the last dogma in Marian history - has been
proclaimed, the Lady of All Nations would procure peace, genuine peace
for the world. But the nations must say my prayer in union with the Church.
Then they will experience that the Lady has come as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix,
and Advocate. So be it."
Be it so. The Lord our God had ordained His Mother the maternal Protector
and Mediatrix for this sinful and rebellious world only if they can humble
themselves, get down on their knees to implore the Mother of God to stop
the war ( World War III ) and to bring genuine peace. Peace shall come
and her Immaculate Heart shall triumph only if she is recognized worldwide
as the Mother of All Nations, as the Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate
of the Church by a solemn proclamation by the Holy Pontiff . And all leaders
of all nations have to consecrate themselves to her Immaculate Heart, and
in unison recite the short prayer she had taught us together with their
Holy Pontiff. Only then World War III shall be stopped and a genuine peace
shall be granted.
This Marian Apparition at Amsterdam was not often cited or discussed
in details as all the visions were very symbolic and difficult to comprehend.
However, we are now attempting to understand them after having studied
the prophecies from the Prophets Daniel and Nostradamus:
Based on her short prayer mentioned above, the Divine Chastisements
shall come in three forms: moral decline and the loss of Faith, natural
disasters, and wars. Blessed Mother also predicted a period of peace for
mankind after all the Chastisements and after the final Marian dogma is
Blessed Mother appeared here to the visionary as the Mother of All
Nations. This title given for a special purpose which we shall see later
in comprehending God's Design for mankind. She prophesied that the Church
would proclaim the last Marian dogma in honoring her at the beginning of
the period of peace. She shall receive the Title of Co-Redemptrix which
means " with the Redeemer " to pay tribute to her role in the redemption
of mankind. She is the one who said "yes" to God's Will, who bore and gave
Birth to the Saviour, who was scourged with every lash inflicted upon her
Son, and finally nailed to the Cross with the Crucified Lord. Her prayer
mentioned here is the Holy Rosary or at least the short prayer that she
taught us. The whole world shall consecrate themselves with the Holy Pontiff
to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the Immaculate Heart
of His Mother and our Mother. Only then the glorious period of peace of
56 years shall come.
Now let us discuss about some of the visions Ida was allowed to witness.
These visions will give us astounding details concerning the fate of mankind.
Ida saw a strange war and heard that " disaster upon disaster " due to
natural causes. She saw a " hellish light " in Russia. She saw a heavenly
protection over Ukraine and things would go well for a while, and then
Blessed Mother pointed to the Eastern sky said, " That is where it will
come from." Natural disasters shall affect the whole world " from north
to south, south to west, and west to east". Ida saw a thick cloud over
Europe and titanic waves. " They will first have to perish by the flood
" and then the " desolation". She also saw political unrest's,
currency crises, boycotts, and economic crises. Russia shall try to deceive
other countries. Ida had a vision of " blue and white stripes intermingling
with stars". She saw a hammer broken away from the sickle and then all
things whirled together. Then she saw the crescent and the sun. These also
mixed in with the rest. Finally she saw a mountain goat and ram hopping.
She saw the globe turning through a circle and heard " the hand of the
sun dial is turning in the opposite directions". She saw a flying torpedo
which had an appearance of aluminum. It exploded and then she saw " swollen
faces covered with dreadful ulcers, as if it were some kind of leprosy".
Ida saw Jerusalem surrounded by battles and "sword hanging over Europe
and the East". She saw the multitude in the East. She saw Chinese crossing
a line. Our Lady said, "There he will rouse, ... a great disaster will
occur that will startle them. The Baltic is full ..." Ida also saw
there was a war in Balkan region including Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. Our
Lady said, "There will be a fierce struggle. We have not seen
the end of this struggle yet (in Yugoslavia). Economic disasters will come.
The empire of England is tottering ... Japan will be converted." Ida
saw a heavy cloud over India, over St. Peter's in Rome. She saw the pope
being inflicted with violence. Blessed Mother told Ida that realism and
humanism become a new paganism and the diabolic attack was no longer directed
against nations so much as "the mind of man". She saw "the degeneration
of mankind as righteousness and brotherly love become rare. Blessed Mother
said that all Christians must be united because " the gates (of hell)
are opening ".
All of these details agree very well with Nostradamus ' s and Daniel
's prophecies. Natural disasters shall be universal, mostly with floods.
England shall be destroyed by floods or hurricanes. Political unrest's
are happening now and the economic crises shall happen shortly. Russia
is still controlled by communists in disguise. China and Russia shall involve
in a bloody conflict around the end of World War III or 2025 AD ( the hammer
and the sickle). The wars shall draw in major players such as USA ( the
blue and white stripes with stars), the crescent ( Muslim nations led by
Iran), and Japan (the sun). The mountain goat symbolizes the NATO or "
Western kings" and the ram symbolizes the Eastern Alliance including Russia,
Iran and other Muslim states mentioned in the ancient prophecies of the
prophet Daniel. The flying torpedo seen by Ida can be Silkworm missiles
manufactured by China which shall be launched by China and Iran carrying
nuclear and chemical warheads directed toward their enemies. Men shall
not die by explosions alone but also by chemical burns and nuclear radiation.
That is a slow agonizing death, therefore our Lady said in La Sallete that
the one who survives shall envy the dead. Like Nostradamus, Ida saw the
destruction of major or holy cities in the Middle East. She saw the Holy
Father ( Pope John Paul II ) being martyred, the conversion of Japan into
Christianity, the invasion of China into her northern border ...
The only vision which once puzzled me quite some times was the sentence,
" the hand of the sun dial is going in the opposite direction".
It is now believed that the "sun dial" symbolized God's " Calendar " or
the Divine Chronological Design for human history. If we illustrate the
complete human history of the Old Testament started with the Creation and
ended with the Nativity of our Lord Jesus in a complete circle, the time
of Noah shall be at the East end or at a quarter down from the top of the
circle, or at ~3000 BC; Abraham at the South (bottom) end of the circle
or at ~2000 BC; King David at the West of the circle or at ~ 1000 BC; and
finally the Nativity of the Lord Jesus at the top (North ) of the circle
or at 0 AD.
Thus we can divide the human history of the Old Testament into four
"millenaries" if we borrow Nostradamus's terminology. At the beginning
of each "millenary", the Lord God sent us one holy person or Person to
carry out His Design for human salvation. And the final one He sent was
His own Beloved Son.
Similarly, if we construct another circle to illustrate the human
history of the New Testament proceeding from the Birth of our Lord Jesus
to the Consummation or the End of the world, we shall see so many amazing
parallel patterns in God's plan for us. Again we divide this AD chronological
circle into four millenaries of which each will cover roughly one thousand
years. We start with the Lord's Nativity at the North end or top of the
circle or at ~ 0 AD; St. Francis or the likes ( rebuilding the Church)
at the East end or ~ 1000 AD; our Blessed Mother at the South or the bottom
of the circle or ~ 2000 AD, the future figure like King David at the West
end or ~ 3000 AD, and finally the Consummation or the Second Coming of
the Lord back on top of the circle or ~ 4000 AD.
We are now living in the era of the Divine Mercy in which God sent
His own Mother to guide us to find the way back to Him, through her prayers,
messages, her maternal love and protection during numerous apparitions
through out almost two centuries and up to the present time. Like Abraham,
the father of all nations, she was given the Title of the Mother of All
By convention, the hand of a sun dial is always designed to point
toward the north, however, in her vision, Ida saw it now pointing in the
opposite direction or the south ( 2000 AD on the New Testament circle).
Therefore, we also can predict the time at which all the chastisements
that Ida of Amsterdam described through her visions shall take place. They
shall take place in our lifetime, at the beginning of the seventh " millenary
" or around the end of this century. The whole human history shall last
about 8000 years according to this chronological design.
October 26, 1997
2.Prophecy of Daniel interpreted
by myself
3." The Thunder of Justice" by Ted and Maureen Flynn, Address:
6 Pidgeon Hill Drive, Suite 260, Sterling , VA 20165, Phone order: 703-
450- 7766 . ( I have no affiliation with them, just want to introduce to
you an excellent source of Marian apparitions and prophecies.)
4."The Final Hour" by Michael Brown, published by Faith Publishing
Co., PO. Box 237, Milford, OH 45150. A fascinating book on Marian Apparitions.
5."Catholic Prophecy, The Coming Chastisements", by Yves Dupont,
published by TAN Books, PO Box 424, Rockford, Illinois 61105, Toll free
1- 800-437-5876, a small book but one of the most precious reference on
the subject of prophecies to my works. TAN also offers so many pious traditional
Catholic books that I cannot find anywhere else. My deep gratitude to Mr.
Thomas Nelson, the publisher.
2. Catholic Prophecy
of the Prophet Daniel
3.Book of Revelation
4.Third Secret of Fatima
5.Marian Apparition
given to Ida of Amsterdam.
Last Marian Dogma: The Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and
Apparition to Ida of Amsterdam
Our Lady said: " This prayer is short so that it could be said by
everyone in this busy modern world. It is given to invoke the true Spirit
on the world."
Lord Jesus, Son of the Father,
Send now Your Spirit over the earth.
May the Holy Spirit lives in the hearts
of all nations,
That they may be preserved
From degeneration, disasters, and war.
May the Lady of All Nations,
Who once was Mary,
Be our Advocate.
1.Prophecy of Nostradamus interpreted
by myself
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on World War III (1999 - 2028)